Real Estate Law

TLACORP Lawyers Services Our services start by carrying out a legal verification of the property, land and construction (verifying the legality and administrative situation). We will make a request for property information to the Town Hall where the property is located. Also, we will also inquire with architects and inspectors in the area. The aim is to obtain the precise legal status of the property with regard to construction, as well as the various building permits and licenses, etc. In this way, we will guarantee to our clients that there are no requests or denunciations in court, demolition orders, the same applies to public bodies or establishments with regard to possible files for illegal denunciations. against property. As soon as the legal verification is completed, you will receive a PROPERTY RESEARCH REPORT. It is a report that summarizes all the information and documentation obtained on the property. In this report you can find the different aspects that have been verified:
  • The exact legal and financial situation of the property
  • Statement of charges
  • Water and electricity contracts and debts, property tax
  • Description of all constructed elements
  • Description and edges of the land
  • The urban situation of the building/land
  • Property history: How it was built, permits, licenses, etc.
  • Taxes and fees derived from the transaction
  • The procedure to follow before you can enter to live in the property.
  • And all these elements are explained in detail by your complete understanding
Preparation and advice on all documents and contracts to be signed during the purchase or sale process. The goal is to help you make the right decisions on the following aspects:
  • At what point in the stage do you need to sign a contract.
  • Review the terms of the proposed contract with you.
  • Advise you whether the terms are fair and reasonable.
  • Suggest any changes we think would be necessary.
  • Try to negotiate these possible changes with the agent or promoter-seller-builder.
And also other services like: OBTAINING A MORTGAGE If you need financing to complete the purchase, we will act as intermediaries with your bank to help you obtain the mortgage while ensuring that the loan conditions are those desired and that the resulting fees adjust to your case. MONITORING AND PREPARING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS We are able to organize the drafting and signing of a power of attorney in order to represent you, whether on Spanish territory, before a local notary or any other Notary located in France, Belgium, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc. A good option to consider without wasting time for you: By acting through a power of attorney, we will be able to sign the various necessary documents during the process on your behalf, which ensures effective monitoring and protection of your interests. NIE: (Foreigner Identification Number) This document is absolutely essential for any procedure when buying and selling a property in Spain. It will be said that without this document you will not be able to carry out the acts with a Notary. This document will also be required when paying or refunding taxes. COORDINATION AND FOLLOW-UP WITH THE PARTIES OF THE TRANSACTION As banks, agents, builders, notaries… etc, intervening from the very beginning to the last steps in order to lead to successful completion of the operation PREPARATION OF NOTARIAL ACTS AND ASSISTANCE TO THE NOTARY Once verified the state of the property charges and the updating of the various services inherent to the latter, and having defined the conditions of the mortgage loan, we will agree with the party selling a date for signature with the notary. If it were necessary, we will be able to translate the documents into your original language. Finally, we will take the necessary stepsto pay the various taxes and ensure the registration of the deed of purchase with the property register Our service involves:
  • Having calculated a provision of funds to cover all costs derived from the purchase/sale transaction and mortgage, we must then make the various payments derived from the purchase.
  • We will make the declarations and payments of taxes relating to the purchase/sale
  • We will make changes to the ownership of the various companies that provide water, electricity and other services. various taxes with the town hall, the Co-ownership, etc…
  • It is the same with the tax on the transfer of assets which attaches to the purchase of the property.
  • We will file the annual income tax return on your behalf and present the taxes payable if necessary.

But, also, in the case that you wish to make an approximate calculation of your TAXES IN SPAIN ON INCOME, the lawyers of TLACORP have created an CALCULATOR/SIMULATOR online and free on which you can directly insert the cords of your personal tax situation, and you obtain IMMEDIATELY (and FREE!) your Income Tax simulation with special consideration to:





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